Dan Kaminsky

<strong>Dan Kaminsky</strong> is the Director of Penetration Testing for Seattle-based IOActive, where he is greatly enjoying having minions. Formerly of Cisco and Avaya, Dan was most recently one of the "Blue Hat Hackers" tasked with auditing Microsoft's Vista client and Windows Server 2008 operating systems. He specializes in absurdly large scale network sweeps, strange packet tricks, and design bugs.

Appearing at:

Something about Network Security

<strong>Dan Kaminsky</strong> has been operating professionally in the security space since 1999. He is best known for his "Black Ops" series of talks at the well-respected Black Hat Briefings conferences. Dan is one of few individuals in the world to combine technical expertise with executive-level consulting skills and prowess. Dan focuses on design-level fault analysis, particularly against massive-scale network applications. Dan regularly collects detailed data on the health of the worldwide Internet, and recently used this data to detect the proliferation of a major rootkit.

Appearing at:

Hello, My Name is /hostname/

Appearing at:

Meet the Feds 2009