INFOSEC Mentoring, Mentee-ing Panel

Mentoring, Mentee-ing (Telamachusing? Manatee-ing?) In Information Security: A How-To Panel. Come and learn how to get the most of out the Mentor/Protege relationship from our panel of experts including @joshcorman, @SecBarbie, @gattaca, @dewzi, @hypatiadotca, @myrcurial and @rafallos. Also learn about pitfalls to avoid including "mantoring". This should be a lively discussion and we expect a lot of audience participation. <ul> <li>Being a good mentor/mentee</li> <li>the "internship experience"</li> <li>formal + informal mentoring</li> <li>paying your dues</li> <li>hostile to newcomers or not?</li> <li>certifications, education</li> <li>gender + race issues </li> <li>impostor syndrome </li> <li>charlatans / impostors </li> <li>perfectionism </li> <li>ablism </li></ul> <p>Sample Questions<ul> <li>How did you get here? Who mentored you along the way?</li> <li>Who most influenced your career as it is today? ??What did you learn from him/her?</li> <li>Why do you think the InfoSec field is so hostile to new-comers?</li> <li>What 3 things would you suggest to anyone thinking of becoming a career security-focused?</li> <li>What 3 things make a good mentor?</li></ul>

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