Tom Brennan

<p> <strong> Tom Brennan </strong> cofounded a niche critical infrastructure services provider that offered protection of U.S. critical infrastructures with red-team services. He has led teams by example since serving with the United States Marines during the first Gulf War. Brennan has over a decade of hands-on experience in information security, as well as industry accreditations such as the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), National Security Agency clearance, INFOSEC Assessment Methodology (NSA-IAM), Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH), and ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM). In 2007, Brennan was appointed by his peers to the global board of directors of the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Foundation ( as a guide for over 21,000 individuals across 160 chapters worldwide. Additionally, he serves as president of the 1100-member OWASP New York/New Jersey chapter, which he founded in 2004 after his tenure with the FBI Infragard program. </p>

Appearing at:

A Red Team Exercise