Mario Vuksan

Mario Vuksan was the Director of Research at a leading provider of application and device control solutions, where he has founded and built the world's largest collection of actionable intelligence about software. He spoke at CEIC, Black Hat, RSA, Defcon, Caro Workshop, Virus Bulletin and AVAR Conferences. He is author of numerous blogs on security and has most recently authored "Protection in Untrusted Environments" chapter for the "Virtualization for Security" book. Tomislav Pericin, Founder, ReversingLabs Tomislav Pericin has been analyzing and developing packing and protection methods for the last 7 years. He is the chief architect for TitanEngine, 400+ function open source platform for file analysis. In addition, he is author of "the Art of Unpacking" and founder of the commercial software protection project RLPack.

Appearing at:

Constant Insecurity: Things you didn't know about (PE) Portable Executable file format