Is Practical Information Sharing Possible?

Over the last few years, there has been an increased emphasis on sharing threat information as part of a complete approach to information security. Numerous government policies require sharing of information across agencies and with the public. And as more and more corporations discover they and their peers have been compromised, IT security organizations face more pressure to share attack and threat information internally and with external partners.

Information sharing sounds like a great idea on the surface, but the reality is very different. There are complex issues regarding privacy, intellectual property, domestic international law, and technical format of the data that need to be addressed. And at its core, if you share or receive shared information, you have to achieve some sort of benefit from that action. If your organization isn't prepared to act on the data in a meaningful and efficient manner, what is the point of sharing?

This panel will attempt to address some of the concerns regarding information sharing. Hopefully by the end of the discussion you'll have a better idea as to whether threat information sharing is right for your organization and how to successfully integrate it into your information security program.

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