Openstack Security Brief

This talk is a break down of security concerns relating to the OpenStack cloud software. OpenStack is an open source IaaS solution compatible with Amazon EC2 / S3 and Google's GCE. The purpose of the talk is to introduce and demonstrate the working mechanics of cloud security mechanisms, or lack thereof. The presentation will follow the flow of introducing the primary software and deployment model as it relates to security needs. Specific limitations of the technology will be discussed. The next phase will be the discussion of specific protocols in use, how to tap, fuzz, or otherwise work with them. I will call out known issues that are still as of yet unaddressable. I will present statistics on where past vulnerabilities have been found and reported. Finally I will discuss the future plans of OpenStack's open source development community and what impact that will have on future security analysis. I believe this talk would be beneficial for any SOC team, policy writer, or even vulnerability researchers who are not familiar with IaaS backend infrastructure. Or anyone interested in OpenStack.

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