The Cavalry Year[0] & a Path Forward for Public Safety

At DEF CON 21, The Cavalry was born. In the face of clear & present threats to "Body, Mind & Soul" it was clear: The Cavalry Isn't Coming... it falls to us... the willing & able... and we have to try to have impact. Over the past year, the initiative reduced its focus and increased its momentum. With a focus on public safety & human life we did our best "Collecting, Connecting, Collaborating" to ensure the safer technology dependence in: Medical, Automotive, Home Electronics & Public Infrastructure. We will update the DEF CON hearts & minds with lessons learned from our workshops & experiments, successes & failures, and momentum in industry and with public policy makers. Year[0] was encouraging. Year[1] will require more structure and transparency if we are to rise to these challenges... As a year of experimentation comes to an end, we will share where we've been, take our licks, and more importantly outline a path forward...

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