Josh Perrymon

Joshua Perrymon (@packetfocus) is a Senior Adversarial Engineer at LARES. He is a well-rounded certified Ethical Hacker with over 17 years’ experience in the industry. With a focus with real-world exploitation, Josh likes the pressure of Social Engineering and Red Team testing. The type of testing that is always dynamic, and forces quick decisions and persistence. He developed the first OWASP LiveCD "LabRat", and led the Alabama OWASP Chapter. When living in Australia, Josh dove into RFID research, and over the years has worked to take these attacks from the lab to the streets, providing the most advanced and accurate real-world testing. Josh also has worked on a phishing framework over the past ten years, and is focused on bringing that technology to market. When not dressed as a janitor or electrician in attempt to breach a client facility, Josh can be found at his local drag strip playing with nitrous and turbos.

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Advanced Red Teaming: All Your Badges Are Belong To Us