Who Will Rule the Sky? The Coming Drone Policy Wars

Your private drone opens up limitless possibilities – how can manufacturers and policymakers ensure you are able to realize them? As private drone ownership becomes the norm, drone makers and lawmakers will need to make important policy decisions that account for the privacy and free speech issues raised by this new technology. What legal and technical rules are being considered right now, and how might they affect your ability to do things like record footage at a city park, monitor police at a protest, or fly near a government building? These decisions will dictate the technical limitations (or lack thereof) placed on drones, and the legal consequences of operating them. Join Eric Cheng, General Manager of DJI SF and DJI's Director of Aerial Imaging, and Matt Cagle, a Technology and Civil Liberties Policy Attorney with the ACLU of Northern California, to discuss the policy issues at this leading edge of law and consumer technologies.

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