Overview and Evolution of Password-Based Authentication Schemes

Password is the oldest and the most widely used pillar of authentication, and is still being the core of approximately 80% of authentication events in the 21st century Internet. As the data on the Web becomes more valuable, more sophisticated attacks on authentication are being developed. The good thing is that crypto community tries to keep up with the continuously increasing threat surface and provides more advanced authentication techniques with higher security guarantees. However, password is still a solid building block in each of them: the first part of most two-factor authentication schemes is a password challenge, to generate one-time token, you enter a password, to use a hardware device - you enter a password in the device. But is verifying passwords secure? By communicating a password to a verifying party you leak at least some of the password information. Given the long history of password-based authentication schemes we can clearly see that it is rather challenging even to properly implement password verification. The presentation gives an overview of the evolution of password-based authentication schemes and provides comparison between two of the latest ones: socialist millionaires’ protocol and SPAKE2.

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