Detecting and Finding Rogue Access Points

Rogue access points are a security concern for businesses, individuals, and muggles alike. The ability to detect and find a rogue access point is an invaluable skill to add to your hacker utility belt. This presentation will discuss how to detect rogue access points (APs) and what to do once you've detected one. We'll discuss inexpensive tools to add to your bag (once the Amazon drone has delivered them), including types of antennas, network adapters and some other odds and ends to round out your toolbox. Once we’ve covered some the basics and outfitted your bag we’ll chat about techniques you can use to find that rogue AP, whether that be wardriving your neighborhood, or suiting up your pet with tech. This talk will cover tactics we’ve used to “Find the Fox” at the past couple of wireless capture the flag competitions, and even how to create a pretty heat map of wireless access points in your neighborhood. We’ll talk about tactics we’ve used in the field and all the ways we’ve messed it up.