Wireless Capture the Flag (WCTF) - Sunday

The BSidesDC WCTF is constructed in two stages. You will be presented with situations where your only point of entry to your target is RF. In order to gain access and obtain the information you want, you must beat Stage 1 The Wireless Tower and attack/defend Stage 2 Capture The Flag.

The BSidesDC WCTF challenges your team to progress through a set of problems and real-life scenarios in the 30MHz - 6GHz range. Like real-world scenarios you will need to break into the network. You will demonstrate that you can crack keys, read PCAPs, locate and connect to networks all while decoding signals of interest. Once you have broken into the wireless netWe will provide periodic updates so make sure you pay attention to what's happening at the WCTF HQ, on twitter, IRC, etc. Everything you need to compete and be successful -- locat@rmellendick