Email is the #1 way we get pwnd

This talk will walk through examples of how ransomware, commodity malware, word document malware, PDF based malware and APT campaigns manage to slip by our defenses and the security products we buy to prevent this very problem. Why? How? Is there anything we can do to stop this email hole? The answer is YES! Turns out there is a LOT that can be done and I am at a loss of why more don’t do these simple and extremely effective things that are basically FREE to implement. RansomWare for example can be stopped dead in its tracks with the methods the malwarians have been operating by for the past couple of years. Once you understand what these email gateway prevention's solutions do, or initially designed to do, you can begin to understand what they can’t do and how you can focus your efforts to help fill or close some of these gaps. How are the malware authors morphing and what are the gaps you need to pay attention to is the main take-away of this talk and what you can do to drastically reduce the email threat 2017 and beyond will bring.

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