Electronegativity - A Study of Electron Security

Despite all predictions, native Desktop apps are back. After years porting stand-alone apps to the web, we are witnessing an inverse trend. Many companies have started providing native desktop apps built using the same technologies as their web counterparts. In this trend, Github's Electron has become a popular framework to build cross-platform desktop apps with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. While it seems to be easy, embedding a webapp in a self-contained web environment (Chromium, Node.Js) introduces new security challenges.

In this presentation, we will illustrate Electron's security model and describe current isolation mechanisms to prevent untrusted content from using Node.js primitives. Electron's IPC messaging, preloading and other internals will be comprehensively discussed. BrowserWindow and WebView security-relevant options will be also analyzed, together with design-level weaknesses and implementation bugs in Electron-based applications.

As part of our study of Electron security, we have mapped the overall attack surface and derived a comprehensive checklist of anti-patterns. A new tool (electronegativity) to facilitate testing of Electron-based apps will be released.

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