Alexander Matrosov

Alex Matrosov is a Principal REsearch Scientist at Cylance. He has over a decade of experience with reverse engineering, advanced malware analysis, firmware security, and advanced exploitation techniques. Before joining Cylance, Alex served as Principal Security Researcher at Intel Security Center of Excellence (SeCoE) where he lead BIOS security for Client Platforms. Before this role, Alex spent over six years at Intel Advanced Threat Research team and ESET as Senior Security Researcher. He is also author and co-author of the numerous research papers and the book "Rootkits and Bootkits: Reversing Modern Malware and Next Generation Threats". Alex is frequently invited to speak at security conferences, such as REcon, Ekoparty, Zeronigths, Black Hat and DEF CON. Also, he is awarded by Hex-Rays for open-source plugin HexRaysCodeXplorer which is developed and supported since 2013 by REhint's team.

Appearing at:

Betraying the BIOS: Where the Guardians of the BIOS are Failing