Bruce Monroe

Bruce Monroe is the team lead for the Intel Product Security Incident Response Team (Intel PSIRT) Intel's Security Center of Excellence (SeCoE). The PSIRT team is responsible for leading Intel's product security response efforts for escapes in our shipping products and services. Bruce started with Intel in September 1996 and has held numerous roles throughout Intel including working in IT Operations and Product Security. Bruce was a founding member of Intel Security Operations Center following 9/11, and was the first full time hire for Intel's PSIRT team in 2007. He is the Intel's technical representative to the Internet Consortium for the Advancement of Security of the Internet, and to the Forum of Incident Response Team's Vendor Special Interest Group. Bruce helped to draft the Common Vulnerability Scoring System Version 3 that is an industry standard for vulnerability scoring. He's very active in industry incident response circles and has a broad network of security minded professionals both internally and externally. He's contributed to several industry standards on computer forensics, vulnerability, and incident response. He's handled numerous high profile incident response events including a number of talks impacting Intel products at Blackhat.

Appearing at:

Firmware is the New Black - Analyzing Past Three Years of BIOS/UEFI Security Vulnerabilities