Alessandro Barenghi

Alessandro Barenghi received his B.Sc. in Computer engineering in 2004 at Politecnico di Milano and subsequently in 2007 he obtained his M.Sc. Degree from the same university working on the realization of a instruction level parallel hardware accelerator for Identity Based Encryption cryptographic primitives. In 2011 he obtained the Ph.D. title from Politecnico di Milano, with the thesis "Developments in Side Channel Attacks to Digital Cryptographic Devices: Differential Power and Fault Analysis". The main area of interest for his researches is computer, embedded and network security. In particular, the activity carried out during his doctoral program focused on applied aspects of cryptography. In addition to his interests in computer security, he is also working in the field of formal languages and compilers: his current interest regards techniques for parallel parsing, employing operator precedence grammars.

Appearing at:

ShieldFS: The Last Word in Ransomware Resilient File Systems