"I Am Walking Through a City Made of Glass and I Have a Bag Full of Rocks"

"I Am Walking Through a City Made of Glass and I Have a Bag Full of Rocks"

<hype> There is a war being raged right now. It is being fought in your living room, in your dorm room even in your board room. The weapons are your network and computers and even though it is bytes not bullets whizzing by that does not make the casualties less real. We will follow the time line of Informational Warfare and its impact today. We will go deeper past the media hype and common misconceptions to the true facts of what's happening on the Internet landscape. You will learn how the war is fought and who is fighting and who is waiting on the sidelines for the dust to settle before they attack. </hype>

We will discuss in a logical manner what is really going on as it relates to Cyber-Warfare. The answers and the questions raised will surprise you!

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