Kevin Manson

Kevin Manson, Ex-DHS - Secure Online Community Architect - 1970's State Prosecutor and Magistrate. - 1980's - Coined the term "Cybercop", Staff counsel on US Senate Judiciary Committee.

- 1990's - Co-founded Cybercop Portal, a Department of Homeland Security endorsed, secure online information sharing community with a DARPA pedigree serving over 12,000 law enforcement and industry users. Cybercop was founded to strengthen our nation's "CyberCivil Defense" as contemplated by Presidential Decision Directive 63 (URL: At the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), pioneered Internet investigations training and in the early 90's developed the Cybercop BBS, (Wildcat), the first online community for federal law enforcement agents. Designed, developed and deployed new training initiatives for "Digital Officer Safety", Data Mining and Internet Investigations for federal agents at the FLETC. (URL: 2000's - Co-Keynoted at Black Hat 2001 with FBI UNABOM'er profiler William Tafoya ("The elite are not those who destroy or cause havoc in cyberspace, but rather [those who work] to protect the Net," URL: ). "Meet the Fed" panelist. Member of the US Secret Service New York Electronic Crimes Task Force. Collaborating with field experimentation teams at the Naval Postgraduate School regarding Secure Trusted Proxy networks, UAV and Robotics technologies (Cooperative Operations and Applied Science and Technology Studies). Building Hastily formed technology accelerations teams for national security and public safety in support of those who serve behind the "thin digital blue line" with my group of "Usual Suspects.”

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