These Aren't the Permissions You're Looking For

These Aren't the Permissions You're Looking For

The rise of the robot revolution is among us. In the past year Android has stepped up to become a leader in the world of mobile platforms. As of early may the platform has surpassed the iPhone in market share at 28%. Third party trackers for the Android Market have reported upwards of 50,000 apps available now. The Android security model relies heavily on its sandboxed processes and requested application permissions. It survived the recent pwn2own slay fest unscathed, but this does not mean it is safe by any means. We aim to explore novel techniques for attacks based around abuse of the permission system. Both in performing opperations sans appropriate permissions, as well as abusing granted permissions outside of their scope. We'll be demonstrating various ways to hijack input, steal sensitive information, and many other ways to break the rules put in place by our new robot overlords.

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