Bad Memories

Bad Memories

No matter which kind of cryptography you are using to defend your network, , sooner or later to make it work you will have to store somewhere a password, a key or a certificate. If the attacker is able to tamper with its storage mechanism then even the strongest encryption mechanism became irrelevant.

In this talk we will show how to attack storage mechanisms to tampers with SSL session and break into Wifi network that use WPA encryption. For SSL we will show how to exploit warning inconsistency and caching mechanisms to trick the user into accepting a bad cert and gets his credential stolen. For Wifi network we will demonstrate how to use clickjacking, CSRF, and XSS to steal from routers the two piece of information that an attacker needs to geo-localize and break into it, namely the WPA key and the mac address. Finally we will discuss how to discuss what frame busting defense are used by the Alexa top 100 website and how we were able to break them using standard and not so standard tricks. This is a join work with Dan Boneh and Collin Jackson.

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