Georg Wicherski

Georg Wicherski is a 20 years old German university student with experience in the fields of botnet tracking and mitigation, malware analysis and network engineering. He co-authored the Honeynet Project's paper "Know Your Enemy: Tracking Botnets" and two papers submitted to ESORICS and DFN-Cert Workshop. He also published his paper "Medium Interaction Honeypots" on the Internet. Additionally, he presented on Blackhat Asia 2006 and the 23C3. His fields of interest besides malware and botnets include robotics engineering and programming as well as wireless appliances. He is the author of the mwcollectd medium-interaction-honeypot and nepenthes developer. He founded and now leads the mwcollect Alliance, a non-proifit organization aiming at collecting malware with now over 150000 unique in-the-wild samples. For more info: &

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