Connected Chaos: Evolving the DCG/Hackspace Communication Landscape

Connected Chaos: Evolving the DCG/Hackspace Communication Landscape

As hackers, we have access to tremendous informational power. At our individual hackerspaces and DCGs we build communities of like minded hackers that push the limits of technology. But have we gone far enough in building a global hacking community that celebrates diversity and unleashes world-changing genius?

We can accelerate the opportunity for community and change through technology. Take a seat and hear what resources are available to the groups and hackspaces in your area. By connecting our chaos, we can transcend the isolation and polarization that dominates much of our communities. We can unite and empower. Join the discussion and chaos so we can evolve the way our community will be connected.

How do you change the world? One connected hacker, hackerspace and DCG at a time.

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