Information Overload, Future Shock, IBM & The Nature of Modern Crime

Information Overload, Future Shock, IBM & The Nature of Modern Crime

What do all of the terms in the title have in common? Come to my talk and hear about how management practices of the past have come to represent the very nature of modern crime and fraud. Techniques designed in the 60′s are now being used to power conglomerates, the GDP of small nations and that guy that stole your credit card number from Once we get our heads wrapped around how crime actually works and why it is so effective, maybe we can apply some of that knowledge to solving the problem in the future, before they publish the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Data Thieves into paperback. Take aways from this talk include knowledge of the cellular structure of criminal activity, interrelations between cells, some ideas on mapping the crime stream and how all of this applies to your day job (hint awareness and upper management’s view of the threat…).

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