Drew Porter (RedShift)

Drew “RedShift” Porter is a Senior Security Analyst at Bishop Fox (formerly Stach & Liu), a security consulting firm providing IT security services to the Fortune 500, global financial institutions, and high-tech startups. In this role, he focuses on regulatory compliance, wireless assessment, hardware security, and penetration testing. Drew is a sought after speaker, and has presented at ToorCon, BSides, and the International Cyber Defense Workshop. He has been quoted in multiple publications, including Forbes Magazine, San Diego City Beat, and Bauer-Power Media. He is an organizing member of Root the Box, a popular capture the flag security competition, and a member of [Buffer]Overflow, one of the largest active computer security clubs in the US. Prior to joining Bishop Fox, Drew worked as a mobile security exploit engineer for a defense contractor. In this role, he focused on rapid development of military communication systems. Before that, he worked as a system security architect for VireoMD where he focused on interpreting HIPAA/HITECH law and form policies for both the company and clients. Drew is completing a Bachelor of Science from the University of Advancing Technology, C.A.E. with a major in Network Security. Follow Drew on Twitter @iamredshift

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