Marc Blanchou

Marc Blanchou does consulting and research with Accuvant LABS, a division performing security assessments and original research on multiple platforms and environments. Prior to Accuvant, Marc was a Principal Security Consultant with iSEC Partners where he performed security assessments on a wide range of products including Android, iOS, Blackberry, Windows, OS X, Linux and large web clients as well as server-side and various kernel related components. Marc was also a lead application developer on diverse projects and worked on products involving low latency code for a financial and a game company. For his Master's thesis at EPITECH, Marc developed a multi-platform flash file system in C which resulted in several commits to the Linux kernel and which was also accepted into the Microsoft BizSpark program. Marc has presented his research at multiple international security conferences including Black Hat (US and EU), RSA Conference, Hack In The Box, OWASP, and Ruxcon on various topics including compiler/hardware induced bugs in OSes/VMs, building better browser-based botnets and how to audit enterprise class products on Android and iOS. Marc is the author of Introspy-Android, an open-source tool to understand what an Android application is doing at runtime and help identifying vulnerabilities. Marc also authored and co-authored White Papers on password managers and mobile security.

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