(Un)Keynote: INCITE CLUB: WendyLady vs. ErrataRob or, “Fly THIS Sideways!”

(Un)Keynote: INCITE CLUB: WendyLady vs. ErrataRob or, “Fly THIS Sideways!”

Hacking isn’t just reindeer games any more. The ones and zeros are turning into real-world, kinetic consequences, and lives are at stake. How do we get the world to take security seriously — on both sides? For one thing, by having a grownup conversation about it. “Errata Rob” Graham, CEO of Errata Security and creator of BlackICE, the first IPS, will take on “WendyLady” Nather, former CISO/analyst and now research director of the Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center (R-CISC). To make sure things stay civil, security patriarch and Infosec Hall of Famer Jack Daniel will referee. Join us for what is sure to be an epic conversation about research, critical infrastructure and stunt hacking.

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