TAPIOCA (TAPIOCA Automated Processing for IOC Analysis)

TAPIOCA (TAPIOCA Automated Processing for IOC Analysis)

These days, many security groups want to become "intel shops,” and threat intelligence is all the rage. An intel shop should ingest intel, analyze indicators, and pivot from correlated data. However, few understand how to begin the transition. How IS this accomplished? MAGIC, DAMNIT. Then again, if you’re not the slight of hand kind of guy or gal, we have an answer for you. Check behind your ear, and you’ll find a dollop of TAPIOCA! In this talk, we will present our process for analyzing Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) at scale, correlating information from multiple sources, and pivoting to obtain information from deep within the bowels of our global network. We’ll talk about the technical challenges we have addressed in applying automated analysis to terabytes of data every day. We will also discuss the next-steps for this analysis, including applying machine learning techniques to help further classify our data. We are also releasing our automated IOC vetting tool, TAPIOCA (TAPIOCA Automated Processing for IOC Analysis), to help other security groups begin processing and benefiting from threat intelligence.

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