Lei Long

Lei Long is a technical expert in the Mobile Security Division of the Alibaba Group, and focuses on the research of vulnerabilities exploiting and systemsecurity in mobile devices. In recent years, he has discovered several iOS vulnerabilities and reported them to Apple. Lei Long has great experience in iOS app development and security research. He had been the key developer in the FIT (Fun Input Toy) project, which was the first free iOS Chinese input method in jail-broken devices. It supported iPhone/iTouch/iPad, and was the most influential Chinese input method to replace iOS default input method. Before joining Alibaba Group, Lei Long had been the technical manager of QQMobile Domo (iOS version) product in Tencent, Inc., which is one of the most popular apps in BigBoss and has serval millions downloads. Its key features include virus detection, spam filtering, privacy protection, system optimization, software management, and so on.

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