Pivoting Without Rights – Introducing Pivoter

Pivoting Without Rights – Introducing Pivoter

One of the most challenging steps of a penetration test is popping something and not having full administrative level rights over the system. Companies are cutting back on administrative level rights for endpoints or how about those times where you popped an external web application and were running as Apache or Network Service? Privilege escalation or pillaging systems can be difficult and require extensive time if successful at all. One of the most challenging aspects around pentesting was the need to have administrative level rights, install your tools, and from there leverage the compromised machine as a pivot point for lateral movement in the network. Well, the time has changed. Introducing Pivoter – a reverse connection transparent proxy that supports the ability to pivot with ease. Pivoter is a full transparent proxy that supports the ability to use limited rights on a system to pivot to other systems and attack transparently from your system at home. Port scans, exploits, brute forcing, anything you could do like you were on that network is now available through Pivoter. As part of this talk, we’ll be releasing a new Metasploit module for shell DLL injection for AV evasion, a Linux version of Pivoter, a Windows version of Pivoter, and a PowerShell version of Pivoter. msf> run pivoter -> pentest as if you are on the internal network even if you don’t have admin rights. Also during this talk, we’ll be releasing a new major release of the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) which incorporates Pivoter into the payload delivery system.

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