Breaking in Bad! (I’m the one who doesn’t knock)

Breaking in Bad! (I’m the one who doesn’t knock)

I start off the talk describing each one of the below listed attack vectors I use. I tell a story from each of them I show video of me breaking into a bank in Beirut Lebanon. I show video of gaining access to USA State Treasury office. The most important part of my talk is not that at all. I spend the entire last half of the talk creating a security awareness talk! Where I go into ways to spot me (or any attacker) I show the different tools and devices users should be aware of. I show how users should approach a situation if someone like me is in the building or interacting with them online. I basically use this talk to entertain the security people in the audience enough that they will take this back to their work and share my PowerPoint and video of my talk with their executives and co-workers.

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