CrYpT first attended DEF CON at DC10 as CrAzE, where he made the common mistake of staying on the sidelines and not actively participating in all DEF CON had to offer. The experience was tough for him and he did not return for many years. He tried again at DC17, but this time he made the decision to start putting himself out there. After a marked improvement in the quality of his experience, he was determined to make each year better than the last. At DC20 he received the handle CrYpT from Y3t1 and met some people who would remain his closest friends to this day (looking at you Clutch). Now he leads the awesome, hard-working Inhuman Registration team in their quest to badge all the people. He's a member of the CFP Review Board and Security Tribe. In an effort to help welcome all the new faces at DEF CON, he is returning for his second year to the DC 101 panel. He encourages people to reach out and ask questions so they can get the most bang for their badge.

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