All Your Things Are Belong To Us

All Your Things Are Belong To Us

Get out your rollerblades, plug in your camo keyboard, and fire up your BLT drive. It's 25 years later and we're still hacking the planet. The are back with new 0day, new exploits and more fun. Celebrating a quarter century of DEF CON the best way we know how: hacking everything!

Our presentation will showcase vulnerabilities discovered during our research into thousands of dollars of IoT gear performed exclusively for DEF CON. We will be releasing all the vulnerabilities during the presentation as 0days to give attendees the ability to go home and unlock their hardware prior to patches being released. As always, to give back to the community that has given us so much, we will be handing out free hardware during the presentation so you can hack all the things too!Come party with us while we make "All Your Things Are Belong To Us.

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