Katie Moussouris

Katie Moussouris, a noted authority on vulnerability disclosure & bug bounties, is the founder and CEO of Luta Security, Inc.. Luta Security advises companies, lawmakers, & governments on the benefits of hacking & security research to help make the internet safer for everyone. Katie is a hacker - first hacking computers, now hacking policy & regulations. Katie's was instrumental in helping the US Department of Defense start the government's first bug bounty program, called "Hack the Pentagon." Which was followed by "Hack the Army." Her earlier Microsoft work encompassed industry-leading initiatives such as Microsoft Vulnerability Research and its bug bounty programs. She is also a subject matter expert for the US National Body of the International Standards Organization (ISO) in vuln disclosure (29147), vuln handling processes (30111), and secure development (27034). Katie is a visiting scholar with MIT Sloan School, doing research on the vulnerability economy and exploit market. She is a New America Foundation Fellow and Harvard Belfer Affiliate. Katie is on the CFP review board for RSA, O'Reilly Security Conference, Shakacon, and is an adviser to the Center for Democracy and Technology.

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