Brian Andrzejewski

@DevSecOpsGeer Brian is the lead Information Security Engineer in the CyberDefense Branch at the United States Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS). He leads, engineers, and architects several of USCIS’s security efforts and represents USCIS as a hands-on SME in several working groups within DHS and Federal government on DevSecOps, Application Security, Cloud Migration & Security, Container Security, and CyberDefense operations best practices. Prior to USCIS, Brian brings his prior 17+ years of professional experiences in information security, risk management, IT Operations, system development & administration, & DFIR from the Department of Defense, healthcare, commercial, and academic sectors. He was a prior DoD SME representative in U.S. cybersecurity workforce development programs and operationalized machine-speed cyber threat information sharing between the five U.S. National Cyber Centers. He remains passionate about cybersecurity workforce development and information security education with non-profits and security researchers.

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