Watch Out For That Bus! (Personal Disaster Recovery Planning)

Watch Out For That Bus! (Personal Disaster Recovery Planning)

You bank online. PDFs have replaced paper. Bills come via email and are paid automatically. Your thermostat even has an account online in some cloud! Your daily life heavily uses technology, and it’s great. As a good digital citizen, you may even use a password vault, two-factor authentication, full disk encryption, and cloud backups.But then you get hit by a bus. Or, less morbidly, your home burns down, floods, or is robbed. If you don’t have a tested personal disaster recovery plan, you and your family may find yourself struggling to return to normal life. You may lose access to your treasured pictures, important documents, online accounts, and digital currencies. Companies understand and mitigate this risk by (hopefully) revising, reviewing, and testing their plans, but individuals rarely even think about this risk, much less plan for it.But backups! And the cloud! They may turn out to be useless if you haven’t fully tested out a disaster recovery plan – mine were worthless because of a circularly dependency. Come learn about how to make your own disaster recovery plan so you can sleep a little better a night and make a disaster a little less disastrous.

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