Hacking WITH the iPod Touch


Presented by: Christopher Mooney
Date: Friday July 31, 2009
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Track 3
Track: Track 3

There has been plenty of news about hacking into the iPod Touch, but what about using the iTouch as a hacking platform? This talk will discuss how to convert the iTouch into a PenTest device, describe available tools, and talk about potential uses for the iTouch as a social engineering tool to provide unauthorized access within a target network. We will also see real-world examples of the device in action against vulnerable systems.

Thomas Wilhelm

<strong>Thomas Wilhelm:</strong> Currently employed in a Fortune 20 company performing penetration testing and risk assessments, Thomas has spent over 15 years in the Information System career field, and has received the following certifications: ISSMP, CISSP, SCSECA, SCNA, SCSA, IEM, IAM. Thomas is currently a PhD student, and is the founder of the De-ICE.net PenTest LiveCD project. Thomas has written for Hakin9 magazine, and has been published in multiple books, including: Professional Penetration Testing (to be released this year), Penetration Tester's Open Source Toolkit, Volume 2; Metasploit Toolkit for Penetration Testing; and Netcat Toolkit, all available through Syngress Publishing.

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