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Presented by: Kevin Bankston
Date: Friday July 31, 2009
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Track 2

From scrubby C64 pirate to professional hacker to reluctant "Internet rockstar", the past five years of Johnny's journey have been interesting. The last few months, however, have been straight-up bizarre.

While many strain to maintain and others scrape and scratch at the ladder, Johnny's jumped off the top rung.

This is a story of what it takes to make it in this industry, and what the view's like from the top.

This is a story about how utterly teh suck the view from the top really is and why you might want to just jump off now before it's too late.

This is the story of a rise and fall and the crossover cable those terms require.

This is a story that’s relevant if you’re in for the long haul.

This is Johnny’s story, as only Johnny can tell it.

Which means it might be funny.

Johnny Long

<strong>Johnny Long</strong> Christian. Hacker. Pirate. Ninja. Ladder Jumper.

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