The Black Suit Plan Isn't Working - Now What?

The Next Hope

Presented by: James Arlen
Date: Sunday July 18, 2010
Time: 16:00 - 17:00
Location: Bell

<p>The suit plan isn&#8217;t working. At The Last HOPE, James told you all about the awesomeness of The Black Suit. But you&#8217;re finding that it&#8217;s not really working out&#8230; maybe it's possible to lower the goal? Can we take advantage of the Econopocalypse, the fact that two years have gone by, and infiltrate the upper echelons without having to leave the Black Hat behind? With cyber humor, blistering criticism, and awesometastic possibilities, spend some time in a discussion about ways to get to the place we all want to be &#8211; employed <em>and</em> happy.</p>

James Arlen

<p><strong>James Arlen,</strong> sometimes known as Myrcurial, is a security consultant usually found in tall buildings wearing a suit, founder of the Think|Haus hackerspace, columnist at <em>Liquidmatrix Security Digest,</em> Infosec geek, hacker, social activist, author, speaker, and parent. He&#8217;s been at this security game for more than 15 years and loves blinky lights and shiny things.</p>

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