"Brilliants Exploits" - A Look at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics

The Next Hope

Presented by: Colin Keigher
Date: Friday July 16, 2010
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
Location: Lovelace

<p>With the 2010 Winter Olympics having come and gone, it&#8217;s not too late to look back at what an event it was. From a technology standpoint, CCTV cameras and ticket sales will be looked at, and from a social standpoint, matters involving intellectual property as well as the police will be examined.</p>

Colin Keigher

<p> <strong> Colin Keigher </strong> is a systems administrator living in the metro Vancouver area and an active member of the Vancouver Hack Space (hackspace.ca). A lot of what he does with his spare time is documented on his blog at keyboardcowboy.ca. You&#8217;ll also find him as &#8220;afreak&#8221; on irc.2600.net. </p>

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