Electronic Waste: What's Here and What's Next

The Next Hope

Presented by: Stephanie Alarcon
Date: Friday July 16, 2010
Time: 22:00 - 23:00
Location: Lovelace

<p>Electronic waste is a problem that dogs technology buyers, system administrators, electronics manufacturers, and especially people who engage in informal &#8211; and often dangerous and toxic &#8211; disassembly. This talk will outline the history and scope of the problem, the environmental justice implications, the regulatory environment, industries that may be poised to face or prevent similar issues, and what we as technology workers can do to turn the tide.</p>

Stephanie Alarcon

<p> <strong> Stephanie Alarcon </strong> is a tree-hugging, bike-riding, turntable-loving, science-fetishizing UNIX geek. By day she runs servers for the University of Pennsylvania where she is wrapping up a Master of environmental studies. In her free time, she serves on the board of Philadelphia hackerspace Hive76, works on a few urban farming projects, and engages in an unhealthy codependency with her never-quite-finished 100-year-old house, which she has populated with friendly nerds, a small herd of cats, and a whole kitchen dedicated to science. </p>

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