How to Bring Your Project from Idea to Reality: Make a Living Doing What You Love

The Next Hope

Presented by: Mitch Altman
Date: Saturday July 17, 2010
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Tesla

<p> Mitch has brought his personal pet projects (including TV-B-Gone universal remote controls) from idea to reality, and is fortunate to make a living doing what he loves. Mitch will outline the practical steps he took to bring his projects from a mere idea, through the steps of research, development, manufacture, sales and distribution, leading, finally, to collecting checks while in the comfort of his home (and while traveling the world). This talk will also show some of the pitfalls of running one&#8217;s own business. </p>

Mitch Altman

<p> <strong> Mitch Altman </strong> is the brains behind Cornfield Electronics, and one of the cofounders of the Noisebridge hackerspace in San Francisco. Mitch is best known as the inventor of TV-B-Gone, but his list of hacks and cool electronics includes a lot of other intriguing projects. When he is not at Noisebridge making and teaching, he is on the road from hackerspace to Hacker-Con and back again, sharing his love of electronics. </p>

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