ChaosVPN for Playing CTFs


Presented by:, no_maam, ryd, Vyrus
Date: Sunday August 01, 2010
Time: 13:00 - 13:50
Location: Grande E-F
Track: Track 5

ChaosVPN - the American name is AgoraLink - is a tinc based, fully meshed VPN to connect hackerspaces and other hacker related networks for fun, sharing, learning and competition with each other.

Its purpose is to provide a trusted, private and secure network with high bandwidth, low latency, without single points of failure. The first intended usage of the network was VoIP, but it has become used for lots of different purposes - whatever works on IPv4 and/or IPv6 works on ChaosVPN. This includes our own root zone .hack. Most major Hackerspaces in Europe and America are now connected via the ChaosVPN.

To play CTF contests we decided to build a separate incarnation of this network called warzone. This network is to compete, play and learn in an isolated environment without harming anyone. We host CTF hacking contests and challenges on the network. Critical thinking, source code analysis, reverse engineering and a good understanding of networks are the abilities honed in this environment.

The talk will show the direction ChaosVPN / AgoraLink took and explain some decision points. We will show how it is built, what it does and how to integrate it in your hacker gathering space.

And then we will show how this network can be used to play CTF Games and have some fun. has organized capture the flag contests in university and chaos communication congress enviroment several times. He is member of CCC hamburg and is believing that a good and secure private network among hackers is a deeply needed thing. He can sometimes be seen on cons and camps on both sides of the pond chilling around and talking too loud to people.


ryd Jens Muecke did the coding job. He wrote one service for the CTF at Hackers at Random (HAR) Camp in the Netherlands and is one of the authors of the chaosvpn software. He gave a talk at 24c3, toorcamp and some other conferences. He beleives in hackerspaces to play CTF and have his home in CCC hamburg.


vyrus Vyrus is a relatively amoral psychological degenerate whose pastimes include emotionally scarring small children and zealot information security corporate evangelists. A trained professional procrastinator, bad corporate citizen, psychotropic substance abuser, and sexual deviant, Vyrus enjoys pelting government agents with annoying questions about classified projects, and occasionally embarking on wacky programming time wasters such as oCTF, TwatFS, MockingBird, Skynet, Barcode shmarcode, and miscellaneous projects with DC949 and others.


no_maam Erik Tews was born in Germany. He moved to Darmstadt in 2003 where he studied computer science with a minor in Math and Law at Technische Universitat Darmstadt until 2007. He is now a PHD student with a focus on applied cryptanalysis of mostly symmetric crypto algorithms and on wireless protocols. He also works at Technische Universitat Darmstadt as a research assistant and as a system administrator. In his free time, he can be seen at a lot of conferences of the Chaos Computer Club in Germany.

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