Advanced Wi-Fi Security Penetration Testing

Black Hat USA 2011

Presented by: Vivek Ramachandran
Date: Wednesday August 03, 2011
Time: 10:00 - 12:30
Location: Neopolitan I - IV
Track: Applied Knowledge Workshop Beta

This workshop will provide a highly technical and in-depth treatment of Wi-Fi security. The emphasis will be to provide the participants with a deep understanding of the principles behind various attacks and not just a quick how-to guide on publicly available tools. We will start our journey with the very basics by dissecting WLAN packet headers with Wireshark, then graduate to the next level by cracking WEP, WPA/WPA2 and then move on to real life challenges like orchestrating Man-in-the-Middle attacks, creating Wi-Fi Backdoors and solving some live CTF style challenges together!

A non-exhaustive list of topics to be covered include:

To participate attendees need to get a laptop with Wireshark and the Aircrack suite of tools installed (Backtrack would be recommended).

Vivek Ramachandran

Vivek Ramachandran has been working on Wi-Fi security since 2003. He has spoken at conferences such as Defcon and Toorcon on Wireless Security and is the discoverer of the Caffe Latte Client attack. He also broke WEP Cloaking, a WEP protection schema in 2007 publically at Defcon. Vivek is the author of the book "Wireless Penetration Testing using Backtrack" due for release later this year. He was one of the implementers of 802.1x protocol in Cisco's 6500 Catalyst series of switches. Vivek is also one of the winners of Microsoft Security Shootout contest held in India among a reported 65,000 participants. He is best known in the hacker community as the founder of where he posts videos on Wi-Fi Security, Exploitation Techniques etc. and which gets over 100,000 unique visitors a month.

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