The Troika of E-Discovery: Ethics, ESI, and Expertise in a Web 2.0 World

Black Hat USA 2011

Presented by: Richard Costa
Date: Wednesday August 03, 2011
Time: 11:40 - 12:05
Location: Florentine
Track: Turbo Talks

A primer of the 20 most recent "e-discovery" legal court decisions concisely covered in 20 minutes.

Aimed toward IT professionals who may find themselves having to produce records if their company is ever sued, who want to hire themselves out as an expert witness, or who who may find themselves unwittingly called to testify in court over a breach of security at their workplace, this talk provides useful insight into how judges view things like server backups, data deletion, and even the use of evidence from Facebook. This practical "cheat sheet" gives real-world examples as to how to gather, use, support, and debunk digital evidence in light of actual court holdings.

For legal professionals who deal with technology cases or any matters of e-discovery, this will bring you up to speed with the most recent case holdings of immediate and practical value.

Richard Costa

Richard 'Sasha' Costa , MCSE, MCDBA, JD, quit school just 2 credits shy of finishing college to work for Microsoft. He spent the next decade in capacities ranging from a LAN/WAN specialist to a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT). An avid DEFCON attendee since 2000, his fascination with the clashes between the Information Security community and the legal system inspired a growing determination to bridge these cultures. In 2008, this lead him to enroll in law school. He is passionate about using his unique blend of knowledge toward contributing to the recognition of Information Security as a bona fide, ethical, and self-regulated professional community (akin to lawyers, CPAs, architects, etc). He works as a forensic computer and cellphone consultant and expert witness for cases involving electronic evidence. He earned his Juris Doctor from the University of New Mexico this summer, took the Bar exam last week, and is taking his final step toward the practice of law (the Multi-state Professional Responsibility Exam) the day after Black Hat. Twitter:@Richard_Costa

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