Walking the Green Mile: How to Get Fired After a Security Incident

DerbyCon 1 - 2011

Presented by: Brian Baskin
Date: Saturday October 01, 2011
Time: 09:00 - 09:50
Location: Track 2

Security incidents targeting corporations are occurring on a daily basis. While we may hear about the large cases in the news, network and security administrators from smaller organization quake in fear of losing their jobs after a successful attack of their network. Simple bad decisions and stupid mistakes in responding to a data breach or network intrusion are a great way to find yourself new employement. In this talk I’ll show you in twelve easy steps how to do so after, or even during, a security incident in your company.

Brian Baskin

Brian Baskin is a senior digital forensics professional and incident responder with cmdLabs>. Mr. Baskin has been a part of the forensics and incident response field for over 10 years with most of those dedicated to research, develop, and train forensic responses to growing network threats as part of a large DoD facility dedicated to digital crime. Currently Mr. Baskin devotes much of his time to unique digital forensics, evolving Internet crimes, and network protocol analysis. He has led incident investigations, intrusion investigations and forensics analysis within the commercial market to include medical offices, research institutions and various other large businesses around the US. He has also authored and co-authored seven computersecurity books with Syngress Publishing. His most recent being the technical reference of the revised “Dissecting The Hack: The F0rb1dd3n Network”.

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