WiFi Bombs shaken not stirred

ShmooCon VI - 2010

Presented by: Enno Rey, Oliver Roeschke
Date: Saturday February 06, 2010
Time: 12:00 - 13:00
Location: Back Room
Track: Build It!

<p>Wireless de-authentication and disassociation are nothing new. The problem with it stems from the fact that tools are either too limited in scope IE... aireplay-ng or way to broad and no discriminating IE.... Mdk3. Enter Airdrop-ng. Taking the best from each and built around a solid rule parser you can preform both a very targeted attack or unleash the packets from hell and rain down packets of death on the wireless networks of the world. Airdrop-ng is more then just a deauth tool its a client control facilitator. Side note, the tool has an OUI lookup feature which can be utilized to deny or permit access to only specified manufacturers. So yes with a single command you can deny access to all craple devices. Sample Ipwn rules included.</p>



<p>Tuna - is a little bastard from florida who has been providing wireless equipment to youcon-goers for years. Tuna is currently an independent security consultant providing wirelessand wired network security solutions to large enterprises. Current research besides wirelessincludes bot-net tracking based on IPs that have attacked an organization.</p>


<p>Thex1le is a self taught packet junkie and shmoocon veteran and Aircrack-ng TeamMember. Currently working as a security consultant TheX1le's free time is filled with abusedaccess points and disconnected clients as well as reverse engineering malware and other funthings.</p>

KhanFu - Mobile schedules for INFOSEC conferences.
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