Bluetooth Keyboards: Who Owns Your Keystrokes?

ShmooCon VI - 2010

Presented by: Edward Zaborowski
Date: Saturday February 06, 2010
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Location: Front Room
Track: Break It!

<p>Despite security concerns, Bluetooth keyboards continue to gain popularity. Apple now ships one with every new iMac. We'll look at weaknesses in the Bluetooth keyboard specification as well as variations among implementations. Special attention will be given to methods that can be used to assess target devices, and new tools for Bluetooth analysis, including over-the-air keylogging, will be demonstrated.</p>


Michael Ossmann

<p>Michael Ossmann is a software radio freak who enjoys making and breaking wireless technologies. By day, he is a wireless security researcher for the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences at the U.S. Department of Commerce Boulder Laboratories in Colorado.</p>

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