Puzzle Competitions and You

BSidesLV 2012

Presented by: Chris Lytle (t0ph)
Date: Wednesday July 25, 2012
Time: 16:00 - 16:50
Location: Track 1
Track: Breaking Ground

It's a rarity these days to attend a con and not have cipher text jump out of the program at you or find some recreational math hidden on the back of your attendee badge. Just like competing in a CTF, if you want to win, you're going to need to come in prepared. Come join a veteran puzzle hound as he goes over tools, techniques, and team strategies that have helped him take on and win some ridiculous challenges.

Chris Lytle

Chris 't0ph' Lytle is a researcher at Veracode. His likes include robots, firearms, classical cryptography, used books, and cheap sushi. His dislikes include piƱa coladas, Freescale MCUs, and writing about himself.

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