The Leverage of Language, or: How I realized Information Theory could save Information Security

BSidesLV 2012

Presented by: Conrad Constantine
Date: Thursday July 26, 2012
Time: 12:00 - 12:50
Location: Track 2
Track: Proving Ground

Information Security has an ingrained fear of new technology, which brings with it new complexity. This fear spills over into our own unwillingness to use these 'new-fangled' technologies to make our lives easier, leaving security professionals still working with CSV sheets, trying to locate the APT in the bar chart and struggling to make sense from monolithic SQL databases while the rest of the world shoots forward with AJAX-enabled workflows, advanced visual analytics and distributed expert systems. We justify our luddism with a mix of insistence that our problems are unique and unsolvable outside of the field, willfully dismissive of the possibility that some of the fundamental issues facing Infosecurity today have already been solved in other areas in more elegant ways than we have the time to even imagine today. We'll cover some of the more interesting technologies that could revolutionize information security knowledge and workflow management and drag us from the dark ages of the temporary solutions that we've forgotten were only meant to be temporary.

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